Agenda Writing

An agenda, also called a docket or a schedule, is a list of activities in the order they are to be taken up, from the beginning till the adjournment. An agenda helps in preparing for a meeting by providing a list of items and a clear set of topics, objectives, and time frames that are needed to be discussed upon. Arduino projects

Format of an Agenda

An Agenda normally includes the following elements −
  • Meeting Agenda Title − at the top; preferably center-aligned
  • Meeting Information − Description of the purpose
  • Objective − description of Agenda
  • Date − for maintaining records of correspondence
  • Location − the place of meeting
  • Time − the actual time of commencement of the meeting
  • Meeting Type − brainstorming or Discussion or Assessment
  • Time of Arrival − time to begin the meeting
  • Time of Adjournment − time the meeting ends
  • Attendees − Number of people present, with their names
  • Preparation for Meeting −
    • Please Read − instructions to be followed
    • Please bring − things supposed to be carried that day
    • Action Items −
    • Last ActionResponsible AuthorityDue Date
      New ActionResponsible AuthorityDue Date
    • Other notes − other instruction or information to be taken down.

Example - Agenda Writing

Update after meeting with Hasta La Vista representatives
Meeting Information − Update after meeting representatives of Hasta La Vista.
Objective − for the purpose of interior decoration of our office premises.
Date- 23rd April, 2015
Location- Meeting Room-1
Time- 4:30 PM
Meeting Type- Discussion
Time of Arrival- 6:00 PM
Time of Adjournment- 8:30 PM
Attendees- Mohtahsim M., Kiran K. Panigrahi, Gopal K Verma, Manisha Shejwal
Preparation for Meeting:
Please Read - Hasta La Vista Company Brochure, Quotation Document
Please bring - Competitor Company’s quotation, hourly rates analysis
Action Items:
Due Action:
Updates from Hasta la VistaGopal K Verma30th April, 2015
Find Hasta la Vista’s competitorManisha Shejwal30th April, 2015
New Action:
Send email to their Head of MarketingManisha Shejwal5th May, 2015
Other notes - Products to purchase for the interior décor. Read More - Business


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